domaine les maladereries
We’ve been paying a visit to Gaetan Gilet twice a year for nearly the past 7 years, watching his cellars fill to the rafters with bottles, and asking him when we could buy some wine. His reply was always something mumbled about working on a label, but maybe next year he would be ready.
In a Groundhog Day scene, we'd return again six months later, hear the exact same story, and leave empty-handed.
But then last year, something wonderful happened. Gaetan's partner in crime Anne-Sophie got involved, and agreed to sell us some wine. Her idea. Her label. She thinks it is finally time for the world to slowly start to see what is going on in that dark, dank cellar in the center of Avize that is filled with bottles (Gaetan estimates there are nearly half a million now) dating back to 2013.
In the years to come Gaetan will fully launch a brand called "Domaine des Maladrèries", named after the parcel of land where his winery stands. But in the meantime, it is Anne-Sophie that has convinced him to begin disgorging about 1000 bottles per year from their stock that is quietly accumulating in their dark cellars of the Chateau d’Avize.
She told us that they've finally started releasing some wine “so they can have some fun.”
Let's see about that, shall we?